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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Frivolous lawsuit?

I read in the local newspaper today of a lawsuit filed by Desiree and Thomas Apger. They are owners/manager of the Casita Dole Che in Sonoita. They are well-off. Allegedly Desiree was riding her own horse during a volunteer event hosted by the Friends of the San Pedro River in the Las Cienegas Conservation area near Sonoita. Her horse bucked when another rider passed them. She fell off her horse and injured her wrist and knee. Now she and her husband want $250,000.

That somehow does not look right.


Anonymous said...

You assume much. Appearances are not always what they seem.

Anonymous said...
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dogmaah said...

So please, enlighten us! She fell off her OWN HORSE! Can se not control her own horse?

Anonymous said...

What ha been posted here that warrents cursing and foul language?