I worked on one of my papers this morning, then took the dogs on an "exploratory" hike in a side canyon off the main trails. (There were too many cars parked at the trailhead so I avoided all trails).
I slipped down a steep ravine and now sport a nice bruise on my left shin. It's going to hurt for a while.
When we got back to the house my Amazon.com order I placed last week arrived: ethnographic books on the Western Apache tribe, to include a really captivating one, "Massacre at Camp Grant" by Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh, a native Tucsonan who graduated from UA with a BA in anthropology and got his PhD from IU in the same field. I finished most of the 110 pages in a few hours, totally forgetting about the monthly Master Gardener's Meeting tonight.
Kevin came home by 5:30pm. I could tell he had pulled up into the driveway when the dogs got excited, but was otherwise so engrossed in the book that I didn't hear the truck sweep over the gravel.
"Did you see anyone climb over Jen and Hen's fence earlier?" he asked me as he walked in through the door.
"No, why?"
"The sheriff department got a call that someone saw a man jump over their fence into the yard...they are waiting for the owners to come down to make sure nothing was broken into." When I looked outside I saw the two sheriff vehicles across the street, and two uniformed deputies waiting for our old neighbors to come by and inspect their house.
I saw and heard nothing, even though I was on the couch for over an hour reading the Camp Grant book. Had it been a little warmer out today I would have sat outside and read the book and perhaps have noticed someone jump into our old neighbor's yard.
Until today I felt safe, but now that I know there's a potential burglar or robber in the area makes me a little uneasy. Now I have a new feeling about the neighborhood. The house across the street has been dark since our neighbors moved out last week; the old kitchen light no longer burns overnight.
I know Sara would easily (and gladly!) rip any attempted robber or burglar of our home a "new one" but the dogs aren't always home, especially when they're out hiking with me. I sometimes forget to lock the door, too. I can't expect the cats to defend the home as two of the three would run and hide.
I had to get ready for my Thursday class and couldn't talk long with Kevin, When I got home four hours later the house was quiet. Kevin had fallen asleep reading the same book I got interested in. He may end up reading all the Apache books I have either checked out or bought in order to get information for my research project. I also have two book reports to finish by the end of the month.
Sofar I'm getting all As on all the assignments but geesus it's a lot of work. Tomorrow I work back at the high school for a Spanish teacher...yay! I seem to get all the foreign language classes offered to me and I never refuse them. I can't wait till either the German or French teacher calls in sick...
Saturday is my last Rain Water Harvesting Class. I still haven't read that assignment, either. I'm glad that is over so that I have more time on the weekends to play. Kevin and I are going to do some exploring up at the San Carlos Reservation on the first available weekend.
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