Last night was the first session with me at the lead. Steve did most of the talking as he went over old financial records. What to do with all the old paperwork from club meetings from the early 2002? We found a couple willing to archive it all (I would have volunteered had I not these college classes) as I hate to throw old trail reports away. The club has been in session since 1973 and there are still people around from the early days we keep in the books as "Honorary Members."
My big push is getting new and younger members. I haven't seen any new people show up to our meetings lately. The same few people show up every month and hike or lead. We need to get out and advertise our presence.
There are some good hikes coming up. Bill C has a hike up Slavin Gulch in the Dragoons on 2 May. I have my Mt Wrightson hike slated for 9 May now, as the following weekend would have put me too close to my departure for Indiana. Afterall, Baby Ethan is due officially on 12 May (but I think he'll get here in April) The following weekend, May 15-17 is an overnight carcamp in the Chiricahuas. I would have loved to have gone on that one!
I'll lead more hikes in August when I am back in Arizona. I want to lead a hike up Sage Peak in the Chiricahuas, starting from Rucker Canyon.
We were in session until 9:15pm, rather late for a school night. I didn't finish my reading assignment so I hope I have time today between classes. I'll be at the high school all day today. But at least my chocolate chip cookies were a hit and there are still plenty for Kevin to take to work today.
Winds have been howling since yesterday at noon and have gotten worse. Two days of intense winds can get to anyone's mind. At least the winds aren't arctic winds.
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