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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our last hurah: dinner at the Lake Powell Resort and Marina

Mom wanted to eat here and had made reservations for 5pm. Although we had a pretty view of the Wahweap Marina and Lake Powell, the high prices of the food scared me, especially since on the menu's bottom, in fine print, we learned that groups over six people automatically pay 20% gratuity AND a 6% "energy usage" tax and a separate 4.5% tax for a "environmental surplus" fee, making this an expensive meal even if everyone had just ordered salads and water.

Baring that in mind, I ordered a Ceasar's chicken salad for $8.50, which consisted of FOUR uncut Romaine lettuce leaves sprinkled with shredded Parmesan cheese and topped with HALF a cold chicken breast. I was not pleased.

Outside a small wedding party posed for photographs. It was a wedding with two Naval officers.

"Look honey, there's my fleet!" I mockingly injected, pointing to the houseboats docked in the marina.

Our waiter, a spunky "Firman" from Indonesia, was our server who constantly annoyed us with upsells: "Would you like some appetizers, more wine, how about dessert?" and Mom finally chased him away. He did a good job but the $345 bill for nine people, of which only $150 was for food, $70 for drinks, was just asinine. And then Jason paid the bill and wouldn't let me help out, another disappointment.

There were no Native Americans working in the restaurant or anywhere in the resort. But they had South Americans, Indonesians and Mexicans working there. Odd.

The only decent thing about this restaurant was the view. We saw the mountains change colors from bright yellow to orange and red as the hours dragged on.

The only consolation was that we were together for one last time, we thanked everyone for a good time, and conversation soon reverted to the inevitable return trip early in the morning. Our dinner ended up dragging out to 2.5 hours long (!).

I have noticably gained weight this week from lack of even basic exercise, but soon I'll be back on schedule and walking the dogs nightly on my powerwalks.

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