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Friday, January 25, 2008

San Antonio or somewhere north?

Yesterday I wanted to hit the Mission City to run a 25k run north of town, then tour the Missions along the San Antonio River. All that was before my big muscle spasm this morning, one of the most painful surges of hot neuronic activity I ever felt surge up and down my spinal cord. I went to see the doctor who prescribed Celebrex and two muscle relaxants and told me to lay off the long runs for a few weeks.

So...if I still go down to San Anton it will be to walk the eight-mile mission trail, although I've read on a few forums that parts of that trail go through "low economic neighborhoods" which is a euphemism for lower-class, run-down gang-banging slums.

I have an old high school friend who lives in town, and I need to contact her to see if I can arrange a get-together. I know it's all last minute, and if we can't get together I may just plan a trip to Fort Worth and the Stock Yards, one of the other Top Ten historic sites every Texan should see.

It's already 8:20pm and I still don't know where I am going tomorrow at sunrise. Weather is supposed to be in the upper 60s by tomorrow afternoon, and the mini heat wave should last through Tuesday.

Highway 281, either north or south, apparently is in my plans regardless of which compass direction I travel tomorrow, and either route will be delightful.

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