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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When you look like your passport photo...

Nothing like a dog’s tongue in your mouth first thing in the morning. Sara got me good yesterday; today it was Sadie’s turn. Doggie kisses always get me up right away.

My cold was officially over Tuesday morning. I stopped taking medications Sunday and my congestion lightened up enough Monday. I did not have any afternoon relapses. Tuesday I was back to normal.

The school didn’t call Monday and Tuesday which was fine with me as I had a lot to do. My primary mission was to get my passport photos taken and the paperwork mailed off, and if time allowed, get a new driver's license. The lamination was coming off my old one.

I did light gardening after sunrise and prepped the garden beds for the PVC pipes I planned on installing later. A Border Patrol helicopter swooped over our neighbohood. This was the third one in as many days.

The challenging part was finding a place that actually took passport photos. My first choice was Walgreen’s on Fry Boulevard but the technician there used a Kodak EasyShot (notoriously bad cameras) and had an unsteady hand. My photos came back too blurry and I refused to get them for $7.99. I actually can’t believe she was going to sell them to me; I would have retaken the shots.

From Walgreen’s I went west on Fry to find the photography studio where Kevin went to get his mug shot taken earlier this year. That place was no longer there. So from the west end of town I drove to the east side of town to try CVS Drugstore, which is ironically across the parking lot from Walgreen’s.

“It’s going to take a while. There’s a lady at the machine downloading 200 photographs” told me the technician.
“How long is a while?” I asked.
“About 90 minutes”
At that I raised my arms up in disgust, rolled my eyes and replied “Forget it!” Getting my passport pictures taken was turning into a nightmare and a run-around.

I was getting the ugly tour of Sierra Vista by now. Fry Boulevard is a dreary street with a lot of run-down businesses, asphalt, and cars that look like they've not seen a wax job since the 1950s. It’s a typical army town.

My next choice was WalMart on the east side..

“We are out of ink” said the woman behind the counter. “Try the post office.” By now I was exhausted from the driving. It had taken me an hour by now.

The post office wasn’t too busy, it was post-lunch. I was the third in line.

“Do you have an appointment?” asked me the postal agent.
“No, I didn’t think I needed one…”
“Well, you just can’t walk in and get your passport pictures taken…” By now I realized that. “But here, meet me at the side office” And within a few minutes I had my two photos taken for $15. It didn’t take very long at all. The photos were a bit lacking in contrast but at least they were in focus. And my goodness, my hair looked limp. I may just invest in another body perm again. For the next ten years I'm going to look like my passport photo. Great.

“The only place that takes better photos than we is WalMart” he said as he prepared my photographs to the two-inch-by-two-inch passport format. "Walgreen's used to be good but the woman who used to take the photos quit and the new lady isn't as good." Tell me about that! He gave me the paperwork for the passport and I made an appointment for 3pm Tuesday to finish the required documentation.

The Department of Motor Vehicles is on the far east side of town near campus. Only a handful of customers were in the lobby. I got a new driver's license within 30 minutes. That photo looked just as bad as my passport photo. UGH! I'll be caring that photo around until 2025 when my license is due for renewal.

Tuesday was another busy day. Weather was overcast with rain forecasted for today. The clouds made the morning warmer than usual. I took a Ford full of aluminum cans to the SV animal shelter which was receiving gracious donations of kitten food from residents.

“We still need clay kitty litter” said the animal control officer behind the desk. I also talked briefly to a Diana K who was a former member of the hiking club of years ago.

I also dropped off a $75 fee and application for the January Water Harvesting course at UA-South. The seven-week Saturday course will count toward my 2009 MG education training. The weekend-long conference is in February which will take care of my entire year’s worth of lectures and meetings I must take to maintain my MG status. (Next year I only need to volunteer 25 hours a year which I will easily do in the office manning the phones.)

At 3pm I was back at the post office. This time it was a madhouse, with customers in a long line approaching the glass doors getting ready to mail off Christmas packages. All the counters were manned and I was out of there within 20 minutes and $95 poorer, $75 going to the State Department and the rest to the post office for processing. My official passport should be back within two weeks said Ivan the postal agent.

What a relief to finally get my passport taken care of. Mexico and Germany, here I come!

It’s Wednesday morning now. Rain is due in this afternoon and KVOA keeps saying the storm will be heavier than first predicted. Travel tomorrow won’t be fun. I bought PVC pipes yesterday to prep the garden with plastic tarp for the colder months ahead.

“I think I have your cold” said Kevin as he got up this morning. "I didn't sleep well all night long." He's sneezing and coughing. Yep, he's got what I had over the weekend. He cancelled work for today.

My last mission is getting Vinnie back to the vet for her booster shots. And if time allows it, rent a carpet shampooer. Kevin gave me $20 for kitty litter to give the SV animal shelter. I will buy $40 worth for both the Bisbee and SV shelters.

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