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Friday, October 17, 2008

Funeral for a young man

Last Sunday Kevin got a phone call from a co-worker. One of their part-time summer helpers, a local man aged 23 years, had collapsed at his home and died. He had been in a coma a few months ago but came out of it after a month, but was never the same after the experience.

Allegedly while in the hospital he was in a room with another coma patient, who happened to be related to him but he didn't know it. He told Kevin and the guys that "This woman told me "Stephen, don't go, they need you down there!" and he awoke from the coma.

He only lived a month after coming out of the coma. He suffered from a brain infection that Kevin believes took his life in the end.

What a shame to die so young. The local newspaper ran his obitutary and there are many loving comments left behind by old friends and co-workers. Kevin liked this man, too and is attending the funeral this afternoon.

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