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Thursday, February 21, 2008

University of Texas at Brownsville, Texas Southmost College

What a pretty campus. This old fort location is just a block away from the International Bridge.

There were so many acacia-like trees growing here with sweet purple blooms. I collected a few seed pods from these trees. I walked down the main walkway toward the Student Union, where Clinton will speak later. A small gathering of students was already trying to get the students pepped up for tonight. WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE HERE said one sign over the walk way and STUDENTS FOR HILLARY on another. I heard almost exclusively Spanish around me, as students with cell phones glued to their ears walked by.

I walked down to the Education/Business building across a pond were several unique birds were: rather large birds with orange heads and upturned peaks sitting solitarily on dead tree branches in the water. Turtles, herons, egrets and cormorants swam about.

And I realized I smelled. And that I was sweating. The weather had turned sweltering without my knowing. I needed to change into shorts and clean clothes.

I had a coffee at the student union ($4.01, my most expensive coffee yet)

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